A rainy day didn’t stop Mrs. Norris and Ms. Gipson’s classes from gardening today. They discussed the history of still life painting, and students used oil pastels to make take-home canvases of ranunculus! Thank you Ms. VanBuren for taking time to garden with our students.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
student with art
student with art
students with art
gardening indoors
The Archery team arrived safely to the Kirk Fordice Equine Center in Jackson and will begin their competition at 10:00 A.M.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
archery team
The WVHS Archery Team qualified for state competition with a team score of 3231 on Friday at ICC. They will compete in Jackson today at 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. Qualifying for All Stars was senior Mallory Adams and 8th grader Bella Humphreys with scores 284 and 276, respectively. A perfect archery shoot is 300. These girls will compete on Saturday also. Archery is coached by Steve Lindsey. Good Luck to all the Blue Devils!
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Mallory shooting archery
Bella shooting archery
Second grade students participated in an election to vote for a grade president. The four class presidents gave speeches and answered questions from their peers. Students went to their area to vote for the candidate they felt was best for the job. Congratulations to Emy Scero, 2nd Grade Class President.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
2nd grade students
students voting
Blue Devil Powerlifters finished 3rd at the State Powerlifting Meet today in Jackson. Medalists include: Shaun Campbell - 1st place Brayden Buford -2nd place Chris Harris -3rd place Antonio McIntyre- 3rd place Calvin Alford- 3rd place The Blue Devils are coached by Vaughn Daniels and Avery Norris.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
boys medalists
boy powerlifting team
Lady Devils were runner up in the State Powerlifting meet today with four medalists. Ashauria Luster-3rd place Maddie Adams-2nd place Chloe Burrowes-1st place Jumiah Jones-1st place The Lady Devils are coached by Vaughn Daniels and Avery Norris.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
medalists at powerlifting
lady Devil powerlifters
Lady Devils have arrived in Jackson! Competition begins tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. at Jackson Coliseum. Tickets can be purchased on Gofan.co https://gofan.co/app/events/585283?schoolId=MISSHSAA&fbclid=IwAR1L-yWkE583IQLrUOHHjdu5hi1e6plYG5XuYDdn_g7UTHtPgG2wKTY77Sk
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
lady Devils powerlifting
Water Valley High School students participated in the “Promote the Vote Art Contest” in Jackson today. Shown with the contestants is Mississippi Secretary of State, Michael Watson. 9th and 10th grade winners: Bre Spearman 3rd place, Sien McNatt Honorable Mention, Ethan Walton 1st Place and Kyle Camp 2nd Place. 11th and 12th grade winners: Mya Vasser-Hardy 3rd Place, Amya McCray Honorable Mention, Skyla Smith Honorable Mention, and Maddie Adams 1st Place. Art is taught by Elizabeth Corso. Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
promote the vote winners
promote the vote
Starting today, many students from Water Valley High will be traveling across the state for competition. Stay tuned!
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
good luck to students
These students in Mrs. Logsdon’s second grade class participated in a class election. These students gave amazing speeches on why their classmates should vote for them. The class President election is an extension activity after students read Grace for President last week.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Last Friday, the class of 2022 introduced the 6th grade class to the Water Valley High School. Greeted by the administration and teachers, the students were given a tour of WVHS and introduced to life as a “high school student.”
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
band playing for students
6th graders
stage decorated
Due to the inclement weather forecast for tomorrow, Water Valley School District will have an early release day on Wednesday, March 30. All after-school activities will be canceled for Wednesday afternoon. We will follow the 60% day schedule with DES dismissing at 11:45 and WVHS dismissing at 12:10.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
The 2021-2022 Band participated in the MHSAA State Evaluations at Oxford High School where they scored an overall 1 in Concert and overall 2 in Sight Reading. We are so proud of you! The band is under the direction of Wes Brown.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
wvhs band
Water Valley High School Science students brought home 5 medals and a trophy from the Region VII Science Fair on Wednesday, March 23rd. All six students qualify for the state level of competition, which will be at the University of Southern Mississippi on April 1st, 2022. Pictured from left to right: Peyton Ferguson, 1st place, Inorganic Chemistry; Mya Harden, 2nd place, Biochemistry; Levi Bryant, 2nd place, Physics and Astronomy and Best in Class for grades 7 & 8; Jasmine Wilson, 2nd place, Biochemistry; Annaliese Coughlin, 1st place, Engineering Mechanics; Gabbie Terrell, 2nd place, Plant Sciences. Congratulations and good luck, students!
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
science fair winners
DES students who met their 3rd 9-weeks Accelerated Reader goal enjoyed a visit to the park today!
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
students at park
students at park
students at park
Mr. Barnes, WVHS Counselor will host sessions for current 7th and 8th grade parents on April 4, 2022 (7th graders) and April 11, 2022 (8th graders). The sessions will discuss pathways to graduation and individual student success plans. Meetings will be held in the high school cafeteria at 6:30 P.M.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
8 th grade parent meeting
7th grade parent meeting
HOSA students at state competition in Jackson on Wednesday and today. Preslee Fischer, Jake Crawford and Evey Brooks competing in Nursing Assistant . Cora Story competing in Physical Therapy.  Bri Parrish is competing in Sports Medicine. All five students advanced to the skills competition which will begin today. Mrs. Chrystee Hamilton is their classroom instructor.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
HOSA students
In a joint collaboration, Karen Harris, 9th grade English teacher and Jonathan Barnes, WVHS Counselor hosted a Reality Fair for the 9th grade students today at WVHS. Students were presented a lesson on the importance of GPAs for their future academic and financial success. They were placed in groups, given a monthly salary and navigated to different scenarios to see if they could manage their budgets based on that salary.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
students at reality fair
students at reality fair
students at reality fair
students at reality fair
Blue Devil Baseball players from the class of 2020 whose season was halted at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic will be honored in a ceremony Saturday, March 19 between the JV and Varsity games. Honorees will be Martavious Rockett, Taylor Dean, Blayne Clark, Grant Burress and Jacob Truss.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
baseball players
Annual FFA Fern sale!!
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
wvhs fern sale