WVHS Juniors Mya Harden, Brianna Parrish and Senior Preslee Fischer attended the Girls Leadership Conference at Roosevelt State Park in Morton MS this past weekend. The girls participated in activities and made new friends that will help develop their leadership skills to use in the future. One of the guest speakers was current Miss Mississippi Holly Brand who is photographed Preslee, Bri and Mya.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
girls and beauty queen
Water Valley Girls placed 2nd at the St Andrew’s Invitational in Madison. Sydney Epes placed third with a 70 and Parker Avant (77), Chloe Clement (89) and Ashlyn Darby (108) contributed to the team win.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
girls golf
Mrs. Bain's Challenge class at Davidson Elementary School recently had two special visitors visit their class. WVHS Alumni Jessica Lowery shares rock samples, fossils and answers questions about her Geology degree. Author Erin Kirkpatrick shared her book, Family Field Trip. She also introduced the students to a little of Japan’s culture and food.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
students with rocks
author with students
Chloe Clement and Peyton Ferguson were selected by WVHS counselor, Mr. Barnes, and interviewed and chosen by Tallahatchie Valley Electric Cooperative to represent TVEPA in Jackson on March 2nd through March 4th for the Electric Cooperative Youth Leadership Program. The three day program focused on growing leadership skills and enhancing the talents of individuals to prepare for leadership roles. Juniors from all over Mississippi were able to hear from many wonderful government officials including Secretary of State Michael Watson and Governor Tate Reeves, while also engaging in group discussions and activities to better local communities and ultimately the state of Mississippi. All students from this program will also take part in the Washington, D.C. Youth Tour in June. This trip will be a continuation of the workshop in Jackson and allow students to experience the country’s capital.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
students at capitol
Chloe and Peyton at capitol
Scholarship Deadlines.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Scholarship deadlines
Water Valley High School Junior, Jasmine Wilson was chosen to attend the MS Governor's School. Mississippi Governor’s School (MGS) is a tuition-free residential honors program that offers unique creative and academic experiences to students with exceptional abilities and achievements. For two weeks each June, MGS invites rising high school juniors and seniors from all over the state to the campus of Mississippi University for Women. During their time in the program, MGS scholars take rigorous interdisciplinary courses, engage in team building exercises, and create lifelong friendships and memories.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
high school student
Cameron Tidwell, Jaelyn Isbell, Jeremiah Griffis and Will Sanford are competing today and tomorrow at SKILLS USA in Jackson. They are members of Mr. Lindsey's Carpentry and Construction Class in our CTE Department.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
students at USA skills
Water Valley Student Council will sponsor the annual Beauty Review on April 21, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
crown and beauty review info
Congratulations to J.P. Williams of Water Valley High School as this month’s Q 105's Star Student. J.P. is a senior who has great interest in mathematics and engineering. He planes to pursue a degree in computer engineering. Listen to Q 105 for J.P's interview with the station.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
J.P. Williams
Mrs. Sain's class enjoyed the Skittles Rainbow Experiment and making predictions before pouring the water. They are learning about the colors of the rainbow. Skittles Rainbow Experiment
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Skittles Rainbow Experiment
Art students at Water Valley High School are painting Pop Art-inspired designs. The brilliant colors, strong lines, and streamlined designs catch the eye and make you take a second look at seemingly ordinary images. Featured projects were painted by: (top row) Ezaryon Riley, Jamalachi Jones (upper picture), Jade Bruce (lower picture), Molly Embry, Mallory Tidwell, (bottom row) Isaiah Webb (upper picture), Alexis Kordik (lower picture), Sean Potts, Chloe Burrowes, and Sevrianna Rojas. Great job, artists!
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
pop art collage
Mrs. Logsdon's 2nd grade students loved making oobleck on the last day of Read Across America.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
students with oobleck
students with oobleck
happy students
student with hands in oobleck
Blue Devil Powerlifters won 2nd place in the North Half today at Kossuth. All 12 lifters will compete in Jackson on April 2.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Boys powerlifting 2nd place
Mock Interviews at WVHS.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Mock Interview
Mock interview (2)
Mock Interview (3)
Mock interview (4)
First Graders' celebrating Dr. Seuss day at DES
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
first graders dressed as Dr. Seuss
Mrs. McMinn's 1st graders celebrating Read Across America week with green eggs and ham for breakfast.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
green eggs
students with green eggs and ham
students with breakfast
Good luck to our Boys Powerlifting Team as they compete for the North Half in Kossuth today.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Boys powerlifting team
Read Across America Dr. Seuss character and poster contest winners.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Poster winners
Mrs. Person's 1st grade class celebrating Read Across America week.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
Person's class
Mom reading to students
Mrs. Brown’s 2nd grade class working hard on showing different ways to make a certain value of money.
about 3 years ago, Angie Hodge
kids counting money
kids counting money