October menus
With the help of Mrs. Tedford, our senior maids are getting ready for tonight's homecoming parade.
This week Jonathan Barnes WVHS Professional School Counselor was a presenter at the annual Magnolia State School Counseling Association conference in Flowood, Jonathan spoke to school counselors across the state on practical ways to handle the many duties of a professional school counselor. He provided ideas and resources to assist K-12 counselors in aiding students with academic, social and emotional, and college or career readiness goals and needs. He shared programs that he has implemented at all grade levels during his 19 year tenure as a school counselor.
Jonathan also serves alongside nine other counselors across the state of Mississippi as member of the board of directors for the Magnolia State School Counseling Association..He works with the membership committee and helped with coordinating and planning this year's conference.
Art Myrberg shares the Defender (squirrel proof bird feeder) and the steps involved to patent his invention with DES 6th Challenge students.
Miss Thompson's first graders made apple pies as they have been learning and focusing on Johnny Appleseed. Tomorrow they will have a caramel apple bar.
Mrs Winters, Mrs Morris and their First Grade class have been exploring apples this week as they learn about apple life cycles. They have sampled different kinds of apples and voted on their favorites, tasted apple butter on biscuits, made applesauce, and painted using apples. They also have read and written about how apples grow from seeds and all the stages in-between!
Mrs. Sain’s Superstars designed shades for their bright futures!
Celebrating Dream Jobs at DES
Hoco Day 3 at WVHS
Rhyme without Reason
Can you figure them out??
Ms. Avent’s kindergarten class used the skills they learned with shapes to make "Shape Pizza."
Homecoming Parade!
Mrs.Martin's Human Anatomy and Physiology class would like to thank Moranda Clar,k a Cardiovascular Nurse and Blue Devils Parent, for sharing her experience in the Surgical Department at Baptist Hospital of Oxford.
Mrs. Smith's physics students are studying projectiles by launching tennis balls, measuring distance traveled and time in the air, and determining the launch speed of the slingshot.
DES Monster Mash
Happy Birthday!
Today, the 2nd year Law and Public Safety students successfully
demonstrated the safe and effective use of a fire extinguisher in
extinguishing an open flame using the four steps of the P.A.S.S.
method: pull, aim, squeeze and sweep.
Water Valley High School kicks off Fairytale hoco week with a Color War day!
Homecoming week starting off with Favorite Characters/Superheros at DES today!
WVHS Student Council decorated the hallsl in preparation for the Fairy Tale themed homecoming week.
Water Valley HIgh School Counselor Jonathan Barnes was honored as Magnolia State Counselor of the Year at the annual conference in Flowood, MS. Mr. Barnes will be competing for the national school counselor award and represent the Magnolia State at the national conference in Washington DC in January 2025. Celebrating with Mr. Barnes is Water Valley School District Superintendent Drew Pitcock.
Congratulations Mr. Barnes, we are extremely proud of you.